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HD Beijing School

Admissions Policy


HD Beijing School seeks to offer educational opportunities to all eligible students who identify with the school’s core values. We provide bilingual education to students from a mainly Chinese background. This has the two core elements of ensuring traditional Chinese values and a globalised perspective at its heart.

Applicants need to fill in application form and attend interviews. HD Beijing School looks for students with distinctive quality and outstanding performance in the assessment.  

Entry Level

HD Beijing School acceprs applications for students from 5-10 years old, the number of classes and students is to be confirmed each year. Students should make applications for grades according to their ages, but previous educational experience, English language capacity and other entrance assessment data will also be considered when allocating students to the most appropriate grade level. Please check the following table with the grades which are open for applications and the corresponding ages.

2019-2020 HD Beijing School offers the following Grade: 


In some cultures children are considered to be 1 on the day of their birth ie, at the beginning of their first year. In others they are not regarded as 1 until the end of their first year. Consequently in some cultures children might be regarded as being a year older than they would be in another culture. 

In this guide to your child’s initial year level placement, it has been assumed that children turn 1 at the end of their 1st year, 2 at the end of their 2nd year, 3 at the end of their 3rd year etc. 

Admissions Criteria
  • Family Philosophy 
  • Attitude (Positive attitude and interest in learning) 
  • Language Level 
  • Skills (Thinking skills/Problem solving skills)  
  • Academic Achievement