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HD Ningbo School

HD Achievements


In order to turn our vision and mission into reality, we consider it essential to nurture values that all members of the Elite/HD community identify with and can easily implement. Furthermore, we recognise that schools are just a part of the educational ecosystem and that a child’s development is closely linked to their families, to the wider community and to the educational environment around us. We have therefore chosen School values that have survived thousands of years of human history and that are widely reflected in both Chinese and international traditions. Our core values, as set out in the classic Chinese text In Moderation, are ‘Wisdom’, ‘Empathy’ and ‘Courage’.


Wisdom is more than academic intelligence, it encompasses the way in which we interact socially, culturally and respond to challenges in the world around us.  We can ask ourselves questions such as…Do we understand and accept our inner self? Do we understand and embrace our world of diversity? When facing differences, change and uncertainty, do we become anxious or dismissive, or do we apply what we have learnt calmly and confidently?


Those with a kind heart are often said to have no enemies. That is because kindness begins with understanding and empathy.  At HD, we learn to value and view ourselves on the basis of sound inner reflections, rather than the external judgements of others.  We try to understand others and see the world with empathy. Often we are most powerful, when we act with care, sincerity, warmth and benevolence. We encourage these gifts to permeate our organisation.


Courage is born from a sense of conviction; armed with faith and purpose we become fearless. Our world is not perfect and the road to realising our dreams is typically filled with obstacles. We must therefore develop courage, seek responsibility, ahead of privilege, practice good habits, learn from others, and achieve our goals through perseverance and hard work.
