导语:截至11月24日,上海赫贤学子已收到5份剑桥、9份帝国理工面邀,总计50+offer已收入囊中,更多顶尖名校offer正在路上……继上一学年的辉煌战绩,今年毕业班的孩子在A Level学部校长及老师的全力教导和培养下,为自己的2023offer季完美开局!相信接下来的惊喜会一波接一波,一起拭目以待吧!
As of 24th November, HDSH A2 students have received 5 and 9 interview invitations from the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London respectively. Another 50+ offers and more offers from top universities are on the way...... Following the brilliant results of the last academic year, the students of this year's graduating classes have made a perfect start to the 2023 offer season under the full guidance and support of the management and teaching team of the A Level Academy! We believe that the next wave of surprises will come one after another, let's wait and see!
上海赫贤A Level学部
有学姐学长的榜样在前,2023届的HDer们也分外给力,当然这其中少不了高中学部学术校长Steve Chou及全体老师的付出和努力!他们不仅有着业内拔尖的学术能力和教学实力,更是孩子成长路上最好的陪伴者与规划者,他们了解每个孩子长处与短板,深知教育的真谛。他们的存在,就是赫贤高中A Level学部的“定海神针”!
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